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แสดงผลลัพธ์ 1 ถึง 20 จากทั้งหมด 14098  ถัดไป >
200111,17-Dideoxyagelorin A and B, New Bromotyrosine Derivatives and Analogs from the Marine Sponge Suberea aff. praetensa.Rawiwan Watanadilok; Anake Kijjoa; Werner Herz; Graham Eaton; Pichai Sonchaeng, และอื่นๆ
2542226381 เศรษฐศาสตร์ระหว่างประเทศเสาวรินทร์ สายรังษี
2002A comparison of Thai and Korean on corporate culture and management styleSuda Suwannapirom; Graduate School of Commerce
2015A concept of Australia retirement village and a new approach for real estate industry in ThailandSupasit Leartbuasin; Juntima Potisarattana; Graduate School of Commerce
2015A feasibility study of GSC's expansion to VietnamYordying Thanatawee; Nongnuch Suthirungkul; Graduate School of Commerce
2564A geometrial approach to the diophantine equation x_1^2+x_2^2+...+x_n^2=u^2Ratchanikorn Chonchaiya; Warin Vipismakul; Arisa Jiratampradab
2012A new species of Paramacrochiron (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Macrochironidae) associated with the rhizostome medusa Rhopilema hispidum collected from the Gulf of Thailand, with a phylogenetic analysis of the family Macrochironidae.Khwanruan Srinui; Susumu Ohtsuka; Geoffrey A Boxshall; Institute of Marine Science
2006A novel algorithm to evaluate the Q-Factor of the optical linksNayot Kurukitkoson; Faculty of Engineering
2012A study of employee satisfaction in the agricultural Bank of China in Tengzhou city, ChinaCao Bin; Suriyan Nontasak; Faculty of Education
2564A study of Gharāvāsa-dhamma through a Christmas CarolNattapat Pattana
2007Abundances and Habitat Sensitivities of Some River Fishes in ThailandF. William H. Beamish; Phannee Sa-ardrit; Faculty of Science
2009Adaptations in river fishes facilitate species richnessF. William H. Beamish; พัชรา นิธิโรจน์ภักดี; รุ่งทิพย์ โพล้งเศรษฐี; เพียงใจ ชนินทรภูมิ; มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา. คณะวิทยาศาสตร์
2001Adsorption and Desorption of Mercury by Bangpakong River Sediments as Influenced by SalinitiesWaewtaa Thongra-ar; Preeda Parkpoin; Ronald D. DeLaune; Aroon Jugsujinda; Institute of Marine Science
2013Aging society segmentationSuchonnee Matiyotin; Graduate School of Commerce
2003An analysis of Thai students' EFL reading performance and ability developmentMalee Nitsaisook; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
2551An Analysis of interaction between teacher and students in the French classroom in ThailandParkpoom Jaimeearee; มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา. คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์
2555An analysis of the answers to english negative yes/no questions of the first-year undergraduate students at Burapha Universityอุบล ธเนศชัยคุปต์; วารีรัตน์ สีแดง; มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา. คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์
2014The analysis of the opinions of service users of the hotel and resort in Bangsaen regionSarunya Lertputtarak; Pongprom Chanklieng; Graduate School of Commerce
2564Anomalous origin of right coronary artery originating from ascending aorta: A case reportSornsupha Limchareon; Jiraporn Chawalitumporn; ศรสุภา ลิ้มเจริญ; จิรพร ชวลิตอัมพร
2559Anti the piracy on the international law of the seaKaweepol Sawangpaew; Sujitra Jai-ue; Faculty of Logistics; Faculty of Political Science and Law