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การประเมินข้อต่อคาน-เสาคอนกรีตเสริมเหล็กของเสาต้นริมที่ก่อสร้างในประเทศไทยภายใต้แรงแผ่นดินไหว: ระยะที่ 2

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dc.contributor.author อานนท์ วงษ์แก้ว
dc.contributor.other มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา. คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์
dc.date.accessioned 2020-04-23T04:33:15Z
dc.date.available 2020-04-23T04:33:15Z
dc.date.issued 2562
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.lib.buu.ac.th/xmlui/handle/1234567890/3910
dc.description.sponsorship โครงการวิจัยประเภทงบประมาณเงินรายได้จากเงินอุดหนุนรัฐบาล (งบประมาณแผ่นดิน) ประจำปีงบประมาณ พ.ศ. 2560 th_TH
dc.language.iso th th_TH
dc.publisher คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา th_TH
dc.title การประเมินข้อต่อคาน-เสาคอนกรีตเสริมเหล็กของเสาต้นริมที่ก่อสร้างในประเทศไทยภายใต้แรงแผ่นดินไหว: ระยะที่ 2 th_TH
dc.title.alternative Performance-Based Evaluation of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Building Joints Constructed in Thailand under Earthquake Load: Phase2 en
dc.type Research th_TH
dc.author.email arnonw@buu.ac.th th_TH
dc.year 2562 th_TH
dc.description.abstractalternative Reinforced concrete (RC) buildings mostly built in Thailand were constructed under The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King’s Patronage 1008-38 where the design considerations are adopted from ACI-1995. It has been reported worldwide that the buildings construct under that design criteria would perform in a non-ductile manner under the earthquake events. The common failure of such buildings was known as the beam-column joint (BCJ) failure. Therefore, this becomes the objective of this study whether the BCJ construction in Thailand can perform under the cyclic loading. The seismic evaluations of BCJ under this study were carried out by laboratory tests of four reinforced concrete beam-column joints (RC-BCJ). Four specimens were categorized into 2 groups using ratios of column to beam moment capacities (Mc/Mb) with values of 0.75, 1.82. The tested specimens BC-1 and BC-3 have the steel reinforcement details as typical using in Thailand. According to ACI-318 (มยพ.1301-54), earthquake resisting steel reinforcement details are employed with specimen BC-2 and BC-4. All RC-BCJ were subjected to the simulated cyclic load pattern adopted by ACI T1.1-01 using UTM. The results shown that BC-1 and BC-2 have peak loads at 39 kN and 36 kN with the corresponding displacements of 69 mm and 44 mm, respectively. The peak load of BC-3 and BC-4 is identified as 56 kN and 58 kN at the same displacement of 68 mm. According to ACI-318 (มยพ.1301-54), ACI-352, and FEMA-356, the joint shear strengths () are defined as 1.0, 1.0, and 0.5, respectively. However, the joint shear strengths () delivered from the test are varies from 0.4-0.5, which is well corresponding to FEMA-356 values. The failure mode for all test specimens can be described as the joint shear failure. Concrete starts to diagonally crack in the joint area concentrated in the column panel. Then the crack mostly propagates throughout the joint until the failure. Simultaneously, small cracks occur in the beam section near the column face. Compared with joint cracks, those beam cracks are considerably insignificant. en

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