The voluminous legal literature on regional law of the sea has concentrated mostly around the world but will specific about Somalia, Straits of Malacca And south Asia sea with cursory about history, how to rob, protection measures. If any treatment of the problems in other regions However, after the signing of the International on The Law of The Seas 1982 Convention lf any treatment of the problems in other regions. However, after the signing of the 1982 Law of the sea Convention, which is intended to be a universal treaty, time is ripe for the consideration of variousaspects of the application of the provisions for the Convention to all privateer regions The issue of piracy will be dealt with in this artical. The countries covered are Somalia, Straits of Malacca And South Asia sea. Notwithstanding. relevant extra-regional implications or will be taken into account where appropriate to apply aspects for the pirate solution.